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  • Only for students who have not tried the class with us before.
  • No more than 3 bookings per person per Trial week.
  • The classes under 'Drop In' are not part of the Free Trial week.
  • If you do not come to your class, or if you do not check in at the reception when you arrive, you will be counted as a no-show and charged SEK 175 for the class via invoice.
  • To cancel / rebook a class email us for rebooking no later than 24 hours before the start of the class, & cancellation no later than 48 hours before.
  • Payment at our reception. Email us if you want an invoice instead.
  • 10 minutes before the class, we give the place to away if you have not yet checked in at the reception.
  • If there are fewer than 6 booked on the class, it will be canceled at short notice.
  • To cancel / rebook a class email us for rebooking no later than 24 hours before the start of the class, & cancellation no later than 48 hours before.
  • Payment is made via invoice.
  • Classes are taught by trained PT, aerobics and Dancing Queen certified instructors. It guarantees quality and safety. The training takes place under your own responsibility.
  • If you book several courses during the same course round, you will receive a discount on your 2nd course, & all subsequent courses. Your highest priced course is at it's full price.
  • When you book you are promised the classes that the booking refers to. The course continues and you are charged even if you do not participate.
  • 10 minutes before the class, we give the place to away if you have not yet checked in at the reception.
  • If you want to change to another course, email us and we will help you as space allows.
  • Payment at our reception. Email us if you want an invoice instead.
  • 10 minutes before the class, we give the place to away if you have not yet checked in at the reception.
  • When you book you are promised the class that the booking refers to. The Workshop / Camp continues and you are charged even if you do not participate.
  • Payment at our reception. Email us if you want an invoice instead.
  • When you book you are promised the classes that the booking refers to. The course continues and you are charged even if you do not participate.
  • You have the option of rebooking to the next course for a fee (SEK 200 in rebooking fee) if you email us a medical certificate with dates within the time frame of the course.


  • All bookings are binding, so you will be charged even if you do not attend.
  • Private lessons can be rebooked at a cost of SEK 250, no later than 24 hours before your booked time.
  • All bookings are binding, so you will be charged even if you do not attend.
  • Private lessons can be rebooked at a cost of SEK 500, no later than 24 hours before your booked time.


If you have booked a course and have missed classes, you have the opportunity to catch these up during the same course round. If you have booked a course during the next course round, these classes can be catched up then as well. You can catch up in the following classes;


Our students who, due to special circumstances, cannot attend their course, can freeze the course with a certificate (medical certificate in case of injury, pregnancy or illness). The freezing must be via email. Valid reasons are injury, illness, military service, work / studies in another city, pregnancy or longer stay abroad. Certificates must be received no later than 2 weeks after notification of freezing. The freeze applies from and including the date on the certificate up to and including the end date / for as long as you must avoid training.

Freezing is given for a maximum of 365 days from the date on the certificate. During pregnancy, we normally freeze up to three months after expected birth.

The invoice you have already recieved have the same due date even when you freeze your course.

We do not redeem booked courses, but it is fine to switch to another course during the same course round. The price of the course at the time of purchase applies. Do you wish to switch to a more expensive course, you can pay the difference.


We welcome students from the age of 9 to our Aerial Youth and Teen courses, as well as from the age of 16 to all our other courses. If the participant is younger than 18, a parents approval must be included. You can download a form for this on the site, or email us.

During our classes, no children are allowed in the halls (except in the children's classes). Older children must wait outside the hall, and small children must stay at home.


Payment is made online through PayPal or Payson when booking. By agreement, payment can be made by BankGiro or invoice. Contact us for partial payment or invoice.

Complaints are only accepted in the following case: If the product has been damaged before it arrived to the customer. Email us photographs of the product and we will replace it with a new one. Feel free to contact us for questions! When booking, you enter into an agreement directly with the person performing the service. In accordance with the Personal Data Act (Personuppgiftslagen 1998:204), you are informed that the Information you provide when booking processing will be treated confidentially for the purpose so that your customer relationship with us will function satisfactorily regarding the service you book with us. According to the law, you have the right, upon written application once a year, to be informed of what information about you is registered. You also have the right to request rectification of such Information. If you do not want your personal Information to be registered, you should not use our booking service. When you provide personal Information about yourself in connection with booking, you give consent in accordance with the Personal Data Act (Personuppgiftslagen 1998:204).


Studio DQ does not save any information. We use the booking system Agendo that meets all requirements. SDQ's newsletter subscribed to separately & only the name and email address are saved by mailchimp's register.

In order to administer the customer's order in our shop, Studio DQ receives and stores information about the customer. The customer can always refuse further information and / or request to be removed from the customer register.

Substitute teacher

Sometimes the classes have a substitute instructor, due to illness, injury, etc. We try to find an instructor who knows the class, but sometimes it doesn't work out & we put in another good instructor. We inform about this by the student group on Facebook 'Vi som gillar Studio DQ', but if it's too close to the class, we may not have time.


The right of cancellation does not apply to activities on a specific day or during a limited period of time. In that case, exceptions to the right of withdrawal apply (chapter 2, section 11, point 12 of the Distance Shopping Act).

gift card

Gift cards are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase. Email us to redeem your gift card.