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Workshops med Vane Lunatica 25 april

Vane Lunatica is in town! Take the opportunity to take a class or two for her. 

Vane will hold two classes on Saturday the 25th of April: 
Contempole 13:00-14:30
Walking on Transitions 14:30-16:00

Contempole - a creative pole class with a mix of acrobatics and pole dance in a contemporaty style. The key words of the class are fluidity, quality of movement and beautiful combinations. All levels are welcome.

Walking on Transistions - pole class with focus on creating beautiful choreographies and keeping the flow and the magic between different tricks. This is a class for pole dancers on intermediate-advanced level. 

Vane will also hold prive/semi-prive lessons during her stay i Stockholm. 

For more information or to sign up, please klick here

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