Battle of the Pole weekend; Workshops!
Battle of the Pole weekend is in town and we can't wait for all this amazing work shops and performances!
Below you find all the info about the work shops and to book your spot you click on the below button BOKA HÄR. Remember that the booking is conclusive!
What's new for this year is that not only are we offering work shops with the judges, you can also take work shops with some of the competitors!
Please bring cash to pay for the work shops.
6th of October
11.00-12.30 Josh Taylor; Unicorn Porn room 2 (only 16 spots, all levels)
12.30-14.00 Anastasia Akentyeva; Dream Catcher room 2 (only 16 spots, semi adv/adv)
14.00-15.30 Dimitry Politov; FlyingBuddhas room 2 (only 16 spots, intermediate/advanced)
15.30-17.00 Dimitry Politov; Beginners Baze room 2 (only 16 spots, all levels)

Contemporary Pole
90 Minutes (all levels welcomed)
Movement, Musicality, Expression and Choreography. This class is a fully choreographed pole dance class. Dive into movement, understand quality and expression and challenge yourself through dance. Enjoy music, your classmates and your body!
Unicorn Porn
90 Minutes (all levels welcomed)
Unicorns don’t give a fuck, they know they are fabulous, and so should you. This is a choreographed pole dance class in HEELS. Warm up in shoes, learn exotic and acrobatic floor work across the room and a sexy routine. A "do not give a shit" attitude is highly recommended.

Static Flow
90 minutes, for advanced and intermediate students. In this workshop you will learn different transitions and combinations from basic advanced moves like
brass monkey, twisted grip/handspring, shoulder mount. Signatural transitions from the pole, from the
floor, drops, regrips, and combos.
Dream Catcher
90 minutes, for semi-advanced and advanced students. Workshop is on a spinning pole, we will learn interesting spins, how to control "the spin", inverts,
poses and interesting transitions. Workshop is suitable for students who already invert.

Competitor; PINK PUMA
Who hasen't seent the uniqe and transsending double tricks of the award winning Dimitry & Pink Puma. In this work shop for doubles, the focus is on tricks, lifts and transitions that won them comeptitions over the world. The lesson is suitable for both mixed and one gender duets of all levels.

7th of October
09.30-11.00 Vane Lunatica; Pole Puzzels room 2 (only 16 spots, intermediate)
09.30-11.00 Suvi Anttalainen; Flexy tricks room 3 (only 16 spots, intermediate)
11.00-12.30 Vane Lunatica; Meeting Aphrodite room 2 (only 16 spots, intermediate)
11.00-12.30 Elise Lander; Aerial Hoop room 3 (only 16 spots, all levels)
12.30-14.00 Dimitry Politov; SmartPower room 2 (only 16 spots, intermediate/advanced)
12.30-14.00 Pink Puma; Aerial Silks room 3 (only 16 spots, all levels)
14.00-15.30 Pink Puma & Dimitry; Poli-tricks room 2 (only 16 spots, all levels)
14.00-15.30 Tatiana Cheba; Flex for Pole room 3 (only 16 spots, all levels)
15.30-17.00 Pink Puma; Pole Tricks room 2 (only 16 spots, intermediate/advanced)
17.00-18.30 Anastasia Akentyeva; Static Flow room 2 (only 16 spots, intermediate/advanced)

Pole Puzzels The art to connect
90 min. intermediate
Puzzles... imagine all figures in pole are pieces that can connect perfectly. Under this idea, we will work on creative transitions between figures, focusing on the fluidity to make them look effortless. We will work on fresh static and spinning pole combos... are u ready to play?
Meeting Aphrodite Contem’xotic choreo
90 min intermediate
Knee pads and high heels are required The sensual side of pole dancing. A technic lesson inspired in contemporary dance, exotic and jazz funk to enjoy dancing with high heels... electricity, waves, shapes, softness, curves, sharpness and sensitive contact on the floor. A fun pole lesson to let flow the woman power while dancing. “It’s not about moves... it’s about energy beyond movement”.

Flexy tricks:
In this workshop you get to know the latest and Suvi's favorite pole flexibility tricks & poses on pole. This workshop is suitable from intermediate level to advanced level. You should be able to do gemini - pole move. There will be specially designed warm up routine for the pole flexibility in the beginning of the workshop.

Competitor; ELISE LANDER;
Aerial Hoop
This apparatus, aslo known as lyra or aerial ring, allows us to perform aerial acrobatics. It is a lot of fun and it fits perfect as a complement to pole dance. You get a great fullbody workout while exploring different movements, as well as making pretty shapes.
The class is for all levels, but it is beneficial to know some basic hoop tricks and you should have attended at least one or two classes before. Remember to wear covering clothes like tights and longsleeve.
Josh Taylor;
Vane Lunatica;
Anastasia Akentyeva;
350 sek per person for students that take a course at DQ during this course period (book for 400 in the system and let us know when you pay for your ws on the day of it).
400 sek per person for all others.
Dimitry Politov (incl doubles ws);
400 sek per person for students that take a course at DQ during this course period (book for 400 in the system and let us know when you pay for your ws on the day of it).
450 sek per person for all others.
all bookings are conclusive.
Elise Lander;
Tatiana Cheba;
Suvi Anttalainen;
260 sek per person for everyone.
Pink Puma;
350 sek per person for everyone.
all bookings are conclusive.
90 Minutes (good intermediate and advanced level)
New signature flips with step by step preparation techniques, jump outs and jump ins, drops off different element.
Beginners Baze
90 Minutes (begginners)
Different ways of climbs, swings, rolls, handstands and shoulderstands with signature ways in and out, jump ins and jump offs.
90 Minutes (good intermediate and advanced level)
Combos and transitions with signature strenght and flexibility moves, step by step techniques of execution from easy to difficult, signature static and spinning pole elements.

Competitor; PINK PUMA
Pole Tricks
aimed directly on Pole work and tricks. This class includes short, active warm up and focused on Puma’s most known tricks, transitions and combos. It’s a perfect workshop for intermediate and advanced students who wish to increase their Pole vocabulary and level of technique. Tricks for the beginners can be added upon request.
Aerial Silks
warm up, safety features and specifics of aerial work for both beginners and advanced students, aerial combinations step by step, signature tricks and drops.

Competitor; Tatiana Cheba
Flex for Pole
For a pole dancer it is important to be flexible in your back, to have stretched shoulders and to stretch your front split. In this work shop I will give you my tricks and tips. Use it to improve your pole dance tricks like a dove, bridge, eagle, ballerina. Open for all levels.